about the company

About us

Shaba’s 20+ years of serving borama

Established in 2003, SHABA is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) water supply company in Borama, a rapidly expanding city in Somaliland’s Awdal region. Partnering with the local government, SHABA manages the district’s water supply, addressing the needs of a city that has tripled in size over the past decade and is poised to become one of the region’s most populous urban centers.
As Borama’s population grows, so does the demand for clean, reliable water—a challenge SHABA has successfully taken on. The company ensures the production and distribution of safe drinking water to meet the needs of the entire community. Prior to SHABA’s establishment, the local public utility operated four boreholes but struggled to provide adequate water supply to Borama’s residents, leaving many without reliable access.

Our story in a few words

Shaba’s history and achievements

Borama’s first water supply system dates back to the 1930s, built by the British for government officials. Subsequent expansions occurred during the 1950s and 1980s with donor support but were frequently abandoned due to security issues and poor management.

By 2000, Borama faced severe water crises, prompting a citizens’ workshop that recommended transitioning to a PPP model. In 2003, SHABA took over the water supply under a lease agreement, becoming the first PPP of its kind in Somaliland. Despite initial challenges, SHABA’s management has significantly improved water supply reliability and infrastructure.

Since taking over in 2003, SHABA has achieved remarkable improvements. Water production increased from 500 cubic meters per day to 4,500 cubic meters per day by 2019. Household connections grew from 130 to over 14,500, ensuring 24/7 water availability.

The infrastructure was upgraded with new boreholes, pipelines, reservoirs, and modern equipment. Efficiency gains included reducing water losses from 60% to 10%, implementing a transparent financial system, and ensuring affordable pricing.

Strategic Goals

The company’s goals for the coming years

Enhance Water Supply Infrastructure

Upgrade existing water supply systems to improve capacity and reliability and developing new water sources while expanding distribution networks to underserved areas.

Improve Service Delivery

Establish a robust customer service framework to address community needs and feedback plus implementing regular maintenance schedules for reliable water services.

Community Engagement and Awareness

Launch public awareness campaigns on water conservation and hygiene and establishing feedback mechanisms to ensure community voices are heard and considered.

Environmental Sustainability

Develop strategies for efficient water use and waste management while collaborating with environmental organizations to promote sustainable practices.

A List of Some of Our Partners

With our Trusted Partnerships, We Keep Driving Progress Together